ALU-MIC A, B, C, series alumina are the un-milled precursors of ALU-MIC 1000 powders. These standard type high purity alumina have been used for many years in metallurgical polishing, less stringent optical polishing, or wherever a totally scratch free surface is not indicated. They have been identified by the industry designation of B (0.5), A (0.3) and C (1.0) alumina. ALUM-MIC A, B, C alumina are characterized by their ability to break down during the polishing operations very nicely polished surfaces, but with surface roughness coarser tan the ALU-MIC 1000 alumina produce. ...Read More
ALU-MIC A,B,C, aluminas are unmilled precursors of the ALU-MIC 1000 powders. These standard type high purity aluminas have been used for many years in metallurgical polishing, less stringent optical polishing, or wherever a totally scrach free surface is not indicated. They have been identified by the industry designations of B (0.05), A (0.3) C (1.0) aluminas. ...Read More
ALU-POL 1000 Colloidal Alumina Suspensions are aqueous polishing compounds of high purity calcined alumina permanently suspended and ready to use. ...Read More
Micro-Sol 5000 Colloidal Silica Suspension is medium sized spherical colloidal silica manufactured to provide excellent final finish on hard, brittle substrates. Ra finish of 1 angstrom (atomic force microscope) have been achieved on many substrates. It can replace colloidal silica's in all applications. ...Read More